CONTEST: Win a 16GB Apple iPod Touch!
The purpose of this contest is to raise Ron Paul awareness. With the media ignoring Dr. Paul and excluding him from the debates, something needs done to help spread the word. I consider this my small part in helping. The winner will be decided by a public vote... meaning YOU choose the winner. All proceeds will be donated to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign.
Sumbit photo(s) of yourself or a friend in Ron Paul gear (sign/shirt/hat/button/etc) to submit@missronpaul.com (Click Here) and win a 16GB Apple iPod Touch ($399 value).
No camera or girl?
You can also enter the contest by adding a link to the Miss Ron Paul Contest on your blog or website.
Click for more detailed information and the rules.*Extended until Super Tuesday* Last day for entries: 3 Days, 4 Hours, 1 Minutes, 20 Seconds.
Recent Submissions:
Please take the time today to tell at least one friend about Dr. Paul, his message, why you support him, and why our country needs him now more than ever. The other candidates may have more money, but Dr. Paul has something that no amount of money can buy: He has us. He has our trust, our belief, our support and our love. Let us not let Dr. Paul, nor our country down.

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